The publication of the OCF history book ‘Reach Out, Build Up, Send Back’ has given members and alumni of the Overseas Christian Fellowship the opportunity to connect with one another at book launches in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Australia.. 

What a privilege to hear from founding members of the organisation, for example,  Professor Lawrence Chia and Ms Betty Tan at the Singapore and Malaysia events respectively. They were both at the 1959 Cowes convention in Victoria where OCF Australia was formed. We also heard from recent graduates and current OCF student leaders. Every event closed with a prayer, prayers of thanksgiving as well as praying for students and those who support them: advisors, pastors, and friends. Together, they carry on the spiritual legacy of reaching out, building up and sending back on university  campuses around Australia.

We hope that these pictures and videos will communicate a sense of what a precious time of fellowship we have had over these past few months, remembering all that God has done in the past, and looking forward to the unfolding of His will in the days to come.


In Singapore, 17 February 2024

At DUMC, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 24 February 2024

At the Austral-Asian Community Church, 23 March 2024

In Hong Kong, 29 June 2024


Paperback and ebook available from our publisher immortalise and other online bookstores.