OCF Clayton (Monash University)

Overseas Christian Fellowship (OCF) is a community that gathers to worship Jesus Christ, learn from the Bible, pray and fellowship with one another. We meet regularly on Friday evenings for worship and Bible studies from 7-10pm (though we often stay longer for supper xD), as well as Tuesday evenings for prayer meetings from 6-7pm.

We also hold exciting events such as sports days, outings and camps where everyone can make new friends, eat good food and have lots of fun. And beyond our official events, we meet throughout the week to spend time together, eat more food and do life with each other.

Despite placing a focus on international students, we welcome everyone! International or domestic, Christian or not, we have a place for you. In our Discovery Group, we provide a safe space for those who are looking to find out more about the Christian faith. OCF is not just a club but our home away from home and we invite you to join our family today!






Esther Chung (2025 Chairperson): +61 422 206 134

Meeting Details

Date & Time

Tuesday, 6-7pm
Friday, 7pm – 10.30pm (during uni semesters)


Monash University Clayton Campus (exact location TBC, please contact us using the details above!)

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