We are OCF UQ, the only OCF centre in the state of Queensland! We are an interdenominational para-church Christian campus ministry whose mission is to Reach Out to as many international students as possible regardless of the backgrounds, Build Up each other in the knowledge of God’s word and solidify our faith in Him, before we Send Back these disciples of Christ into the working community.

Our theme for this year is – Our unchanging God. This year’s Bible study delves into the character of God. As we journey through the book of Psalms, we will unpack how they reveal God’s character, and ultimately point to Jesus. The Psalms are a rich tapestry of poems, prayers, sorrows, and praises in adoration and worship of God. Our fifteen-week topical study, ” Knowing God Through the Psalms”, will guide us through a diverse selection of psalms, written by different people at different times and in different circumstances, yet all praising and glorifying God. Through this series we will gain valuable insight into God’s character, His actions, and how He relates to His people. We welcome you to join us on this journey as we experience the heights, the valleys, the raw emotion of this beautiful ancient poetry, and bow down in worship at the glory of our God.

We meet every Friday night from 6:30-9:30 pm during school semester in UQ to sing praises to God, dive deep into His word through bible studies, and also pray together. There is also the Alpha course for those who want to explore more about the basics of christian faith

If you would like to know more about OCF UQ, please do not hesitate to contact us.





Dorcas Chow (2025 Chair):
+852 9697 0505 (WhatsApp)
+61 452 019 971 (Phone)

Meeting Details

Date & Time

Friday, 6:30pm – 9:30pm


University of Queensland Building 69, Room 401

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