Vision of OCF:
To reach out to all overseas students in Australia, build them up to be Christ’s disciples, and send them back home as disciple-makers.
Aims of OCF:
Missions and Evangelism
1. To see one’s own campus and home country as mission fields.
2. To be trained in evangelism and missions.
3. To actively reach out to the lost especially course-mates, university-mates, flatmates and
4. To participate in mission work through giving, going, sending and praying.
Teaching and Training
1. To grow in spiritual maturity through the study and application of God’s Word.
2. To serve God through ministry opportunities in OCF and local churches.
3. To develop one’s character, spiritual gifts and spiritual leadership.
4. To impart one’s Christian experience to another so that others will be built up to spiritual
maturity with the goal of making disciples.